Root Canals

Welcome to Mabank Dental, Your Family Dentist in Mabank TX.

“I was having severe tooth pain from a recent crown and after trying to get into my dentist for several days without any luck, Mabank Dental got me in immediately. They were caring, and after x-rays, it was discovered that I needed a root canal. I was given antibiotics for a possible infection. I am very pleased with the care at Mabank Dental. I am very disappointed in my old dentist, but happy that I am now on the right path at Mabank Dental.”

Root canals have a bad reputation. But at , we want you to know that they don’t have to be traumatic. And, having one could keep you from losing a tooth. If you’re experiencing any of the following symptoms, it could mean the nerve of your tooth is exposed or infected:

  • a severe toothache
  • pain when chewing or when pressure is applied
  • prolonged sensitivity to temperatures
  • dark discoloration of the tooth
  • swelling and tenderness in the surrounding gums

Our team at may be able to save your problem tooth with a simple root canal procedure.

Since comfort is one of our top priorities, most root canals we perform at feel similar in sensation to having a tooth filled. Call 903.567.8612 to schedule an appointment at Mabank, TX office and we’ll handle the rest.